Delivery, payment and return terms

Contact details

Onepuu Oy
Raivionmutka 5, 40520 Jyväskylä

Ordering and payment

You can order products on our online store's website by adding them to your shopping cart, confirming the order, and paying for the contents of the shopping cart through the payment service. By ordering from our online store, you are expected to have acquainted yourself with and committed to our Privacy Policy (document: "Privacy Policy") as well as the Delivery, Payment, and Return Terms presented at checkout (document: "Delivery, Payment, and Return Terms"). You understand that your accepted and confirmed order is, except as later mentioned regarding the right of withdrawal, binding and establishes a contract between us in accordance with these delivery terms.

Products and product prices

The features and prices of the products sold in the online store (the product being a live tree) are presented alongside each product description. We reserve the right to change prices, so please verify these prices in your shopping cart before confirming the order. The prices of the products include the applicable value-added tax at the time, which is indicated in the shopping cart and order confirmation.

Right of cancellation and return conditions

f you are a consumer, you have the right to cancel the order in accordance with the Finnish Consumer Protection Act by notifying us within 14 days of making the purchase.

The cancellation notice should be clearly sent to the email address provided below.

Cancellation of the purchase incurs costs because a unique sign and ownership certificate for the tree purchaser are prepared for each wood order. These costs amount to 10% of the product's value-added tax inclusive price. These costs will not be refunded to the returner. 

We will promptly refund the money you paid for the order using the payment method you used, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.



Transmission check, error and problem situations

Please take into account that the item sold in wood stores is a constantly changing (growing) tree. The product may have many cosmetic and/or other defects that are completely natural. At some point, the tree you buy may even wither and die. In these situations, Onepuu Oy has no obligation to compensate for the damage or hurt caused.

Payment Service Provider

Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized Payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc will forward the payment to the merchant. For reclamations, please contact the website the payment was made to.

Paytrail Plc Innova 2 Lutakonaukio 7 40100 Jyväskylä Business ID
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä