Hello fellow nature enthusiasts! Spring is coming quickly even in the North. Nature wakes up, light and heat increase. As avid lovers of the outdoors, we all have our favorite activities that bring us closer to nature. Whether it’s camping beneath the star-studded sky, hiking through the verdant trails, or fishing in tranquil waters, there’s an unparalleled sense of tranquility and joy that comes with these adventures. However, it’s also important that we remember our responsibility towards preserving this beauty for generations to come.
Fishing, for many of us, is not just a pastime but a deep connection to the natural world. We feel the excitement of the catch, the patience of the wait, and the serenity of the surrounding waters. Fishing is also an extremely great way to get responsible food on your plate, organic in its deepest sense. Yet, there’s an unintended consequence of our fishing trips that we must be mindful of – discarded fishing lines.
You might think, ”It’s just a bit of string; surely it can’t cause that much harm?” Regrettably, that’s far from the truth. In reality, abandoned fishing lines can wreak havoc on our wildlife, particularly our feathered friends. Birds often get entangled in these discarded lines, leading to tragic consequences.
My own experience of saving a bird

Let me share a personal experience to underscore this point:
One fine day, while I was fishing, I noticed something unusual along the shore – a line threading its way through the grass. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a discarded fishing line. As I began to collect it, my heart sank. There, entangled in the forsaken line, was a bird barely clinging to life.
The bird was in the cold water, tangled in the line and in such an awkward place that I couldn’t reach it myself. In that moment, I flagged down a passing boatman for assistance. Together, we managed to free the bird from its tormenting trap.
The bird, frail and trembling, seemed relieved as I held it. I placed it in the sunlight, hoping the warmth could provide some comfort. As it rested, I quickly searched for the contact details of local animal protection services.
Upon reaching out, they instructed me to bring the bird to a nearby wildlife nursery. I gently wrapped the exhausted creature in a towel and began the drive. The bird remained calm throughout the journey, possibly sensing it was now in safer hands.
Upon arrival at the nursery, the nurse was quick to assess the bird. Its wings weren’t broken, thankfully, but it was evident the bird had been starving and was suffering from the cold. I left the bird in caring hands and I hope it will survive.
Let’s enjoy nature’s wonders responsibly
This case reminds us that our actions have an impact on nature – either good or bad. We all need to be conscious about what we leave behind. As fishermen, we must ensure that our love for fishing does not become a peril for the wildlife we so admire.
Nature is a wonderful thing, a gift that we should cherish and protect. So, let’s continue to enjoy our fishing trips, but remember, respect for nature is paramount. Let’s ensure our discarded fishing lines find their way into trash bins, not our beautiful wild spaces. After all, the beauty of nature lies not only in enjoying it but also in preserving it for others to enjoy.
May our fishing lines always be a symbol of our connection to nature, and never a threat.
Ps. If you want to do good for nature and strengthen your own connection with nature, you can get yourself a living tree from Finnish Lapland. Read more here!